Parish Life

OUR LOCATION as a downtown Washington parish sets much of the rhythm of parish life. During the week daily Masses and Evening Prayer attract longtime parishioners and others who work in downtown Washington and on Capitol Hill. Special evening activities—book club meetings, the Catechumenate, meetings of the Vestry and parish community groups — are held sometimes at the church and sometimes in parishioners' homes. Concerts, which take advantage of the church's exemplary pipe organ and extraordinary acoustics, are offered on selected Saturday or Sunday afternoons. Parish social events—Sunday coffee hour after High Mass, Shrove Tuesday pancake suppers, receptions following concerts and holy day Masses throughout the year—are valued opportunities to make new friends and to nurture old friendships among geographically dispersed parishioners and visitors.

Click to read about our principal servicesWORSHIP. Regular gathering for Mass and other devotions is central to the life of the parish. Other activities are organized around this central core. We gather throughout the week for Mass, morning and evening prayer, and other devotions.

Click to read about outreach programOUTREACH. We seek to serve our neighborhood, our city, and our world. Explore the many opportunities to serve God and others by joining the Ascension and St. Agnes Outreach Ministry Team.    The team meets monthly.

Click to read about coffee hourSUNDAY COFFEE HOUR. After the 10 o'clock High Mass each Sunday, coffee hour is an opportunity to welcome visitors and new members of the parish, to reinforce old friendships, and to stengthen the parish community.

Click to read more about Koine Cinema ClubKOINE CINEMA. Movies are a powerful way to draw us into new experiences, to help us develop a common language for describing the ways our lives intersect, and to understand more about ourselves and our world.

PlaceholderTHURSDAY NIGHT GROUP. This group meets in homes in the city to explore, grow and mature in faith by creating spaces where we can live life together as a close, supportive, authentic community. 

Click here to read about the twenties and thirties groupTWENTIES & THIRTIES GROUP. An active group of people in their 20s and 30s meets occasionally for dinner, drinks, and discussion. The group’s purpose is to build community, explore our common faith, and serve alongside each other.

Click for devotional societiesDEVOTIONAL SOCIETIES. Individual members of the parish participate in a number of Anglican devotional societies. For information about these societies and their role in parish life, please call 202.347.8161.

Click for the diabetes support groupDIABETES SUPPORT GROUP. This group offers the information and personal support often needed to deal effectively with diabetes. It is forum to explore the Christian response to serious, chronic illness.

Click for calendar of parish activitiesCALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES. Parish activities are varied and take place throughout the week. Consult this calendar for regular and special services, as well as for such events as concerts, programs of formation, and small group meetings.

Click to view pohoto galleryPHOTO GALLERY. Our photo gallery as an unsystematic collection of photos taken during serves, outreach activities, group meetings, work days on the grounds of our church buildings, and at a variety of special events.

Click here to read about special arrangements for baptisms, weddings, and funeralsBAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, & FUNERALS. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi.

Click here to read more about stewardshipSTEWARDSHIP. The pledge of your financial support helps us meetour many expenses. Financial stability and major improvements over the long term depend as well on planned giving and enhancement of the endowment fund.

Click to read about the parish bookstallSUNDAY BOOKSTALL. Open in the Undercroft on Sundays during Coffee Hour after High Mass, the parish bookstall offers a variety of liturgical, educational, and devotional books and pamphlets, as well as CDs of the parish choir.

Click for thePARISH HISTORY. Ascension and Saint Agnes is a parish formed by the union of Ascension parish and Saint Agnes parish. Both parishes travelled a rocky road during the 19th and 20th centuries. Read more about their stormy histories.

Click to register for the mailing listMAILING LIST REGISTRY. We distribute Sunday sermons to those who would like to receive them via e-mail. Our parish administrator also maintains a parish directory and mailing list for special announcements. Register here to receive them.

Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help : that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life. Through Christ Jesus, our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be honor, praise, power, and dominion now and unto ages of ages. AMEN.

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Argillius Telluricus Eugenius me fecit