
WE SEEK TO SERVE our neighborhood, our city, and our world. There are many opportunities to serve God and others by becoming an active member of the Ascension and St. Agnes Outreach Ministry Team.    The team meets the third Sunday of each month following coffee hour.

Vestry Contacts:

Chuck Bass:    BassC@usa.redcross.org    202-265-0356
John Williford: jwilliford@mindspring.com  202-641-7556 


Nicaraguan children in San Juan de OrienteThe AStA 0utreach team has just returned from its first week-long international mission trip to Nicaragua.  From postings on the group's Blog, it's clear that the visit was fruitful for all who participated. One participant said it was an "extraordinarily gratifying, humbling, moving, demanding week." When photos are available, we'll post them on this web site. Meanwhile, read the group's blog at http://astanicaragua.blogspot.com/.

Our Neighborhood: A Wider Circle 

Wider Circle TeamA Wider Circle is developing a wellness center for Claridge Towers and Horizon House (our neighbors).  They are in the process of finalizing their needs but areas where our help could be required include: Game Nights, Visiting Program, Healthy Eating, and Exercise Programs, to name a few.  More information will be provided once the program is up and running. (Early Fall) 

N Street Village photoOur Neighborhood: N Street Village

The parish participates in the mission of N Street Village, which offers programs for homeless women and low-income families. The Village was established in 1973 by our neighbor, Luther Place Memorial Church, to help meet the needs of the inner city's poor and destitute. Located three blocks from Ascension and St. Agnes Church, the Village offers a Wellness Center, a day and night shelter for homeless women, and residential programs for women fighting alcohol and drug addition and for elderly women suffering from mental illness.             

Wellness Center. The Wellness Center is designed to complement conventional health care by nurturing the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being those it serves.

Night Shelter. Parishioners provide and serve dinner to women in the Village night shelter. One Sunday each month, following Mass a group of volunteers prepare a meal in the church kitchen. The following day, Parish volunteers serve the meal in the night shelter.

Our City: Blood Drives

The parish partners with the Greater Chesapeake & Potomac region of the American Red Cross to host blood drives in the undercroft one Saturday a month.  You can help by recruiting donors, setting up, checking donors in, serving breakfast to volunteers, or--if your are able--by donating blood

Our World: San Juan de Oriente, Nicaragua

Boy in San Juan Oriente, NicaraguaIn January 2008, members of the parish spent a week with host families in San Juan de Oriente, a small community in Nicaragua, where the parish works with the local Catholic parish and others seeking to help break the cycle of poverty through educational assistance. According to UNICEF only 43% of Nicaraguan children stay in school until the fifth grade. Because education plays an important role in helping to develop the spiritual, physical, and emotional well being of the the community and its members, we support education in the village of San Juan de Oriente through a partnership with La Vida Education, which operates an Educational Community Center in the village.  You can help in any of a variety of ways: collect and donate books, art supplies and toys; raise funds for the center’s expansion; and ultimately plan and participate in our next work trip to the village. To read about our first visit to San Juan de Oriente, read the Blog postings at http://astanicaragua.blogspot.com/.

Other Outreach Activities

Christ House, 1717 Columbia Rd., N.W., Washington, DCIndividual parishioners contribute in many ways. Some donate items to Goodwill in exchange for shopping vouchers for the women at N Street Village; others cook for and visit elderly residents suffering from mental illness. Some make regular contributions to Christ House, a small hospital near the corner of Columbia Road and Ontario Road, NW, which provides a full range of free services for the inner city poor and homeless.

If you would like to volunteer, please get in touch with the vestry contacts listed at the top of this page or call the parish office (202.347.8161).

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Argillius Telluricus Eugenius me fecit