Koine Cinema

KOINE (coin-ay) CINEMA is a group devoted to cinema and conversation.  After a light supper, everyone watches that night's movie before circling up for the important part: the discussion.  Movies are a powerful way to draw us into new experiences and to help us develop a common language for describing the ways our lives intersect.  Discussion of technical considerations is always welcome, but the ultimate goal is to understand more about ourselves and our world through cinematic art.  The only requirement for movies is that they justify sustained dialogue.

We draw from many genres and periods.  Past movies have included Unforgiven, Wild Strawberries, Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai, The Life Aquatic, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence, Yojimbo, A Man For All Seasons, and many others.

KOINE CINEMA is taking a break beginning in late July 2008. If you are interested in hosting the biweekly meetings (every other Sunday) when the coming season begins, please contact Fr. Sam at 202-347-8161 or at cubswn@gmail.com.

Koine Cinema participant


Here are some randomly selected comments about some of the films seen by the Koine Cinema Group.

The Unforgiven (1960) directed by John Huston

"Not to be confused with Clint Eastwood's 1992 film Unforgiven, The Unforgiven is a 1960 John Huston film that is almost worthy of joining Eastwood's as one of the top ten westerns of all-time. That it falls slightly short of that status could be because Huston withdrew from the project in post-production, after the studio insisted on toning down his message of racial tolerance to give the film more commercial appeal. Although this tampering tends to cloud his political message, it is still there if you do conduct a little analysis. "The Unforgiven" does lay claim to the distinction of being the most ambitious western of all time." —Comment from anonymous viewer

Unforgiven ( 1992) directed by Clint Eastwood

"Clint Eastwood's storytelling gives the western genre one of its most sublime stories. Gone is the trademark mysterious hero and in its place is an ex gunman who made his peace when he met his wife. Eastwood has transcended traditional entertainment to storytelling craftsmanship. He delivers rich characters with deeply rooted problems inextricably linked to the villains of the story. Refusing to wither and die away, style has been perfectly adapted with age thus ensuring his maturation into a true Hollywood legend." —Comment of Stephan West, Durban, South Africa.

Wild Strawberries (1958) directed by Ingmar Bergman

"Wild Strawberries won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 1958 and was acknowledged around the world as the seal on Bergman’s career. Gunnar Fischer’s cinematography and the haunting regretful music of Erik Nordgren are beyond reproach. The warmth and gentility of Victor Sjöström’s performance render Isak Borg a character so sympathetic that the audience sides with him, however damning the accusations.

"Some months after the opening of the film, Bergman met a childhood friend, who told him that while he was watching Wild Strawberries he 'began to think of Aunt Berta, who was sitting all alone in Borlänge. I couldn’t get her out of my thoughts, and when my wife and I came home, I said let’s invite Aunt Berta over at Easter.'

"That, says Bergman, is the best review he has ever had." Read more at criterion.com>.

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