Music at Ascension & Saint Agnes

For GOD the father Almighty plays upon the HARP of stupendous
    magnitude and melody.
For at that time malignity ceases and the devils themselves
    are at peace.
For this time is perceptible to man by a remarkable stillness
    and serenity of soul.

Hallelujah from the heart of God, and from the hand of the artist inimitable, and from the echo of the heavenly harp in sweetness magnifical and mighty.
                                                        — Christopher Smart

M USIC, LITURGY, AND SPIRITUAL LIFE at the Church of the Ascension and Saint Agnes have traditionally been known for their positive affirmation and proclamation of the Catholic faith in forms that respect the maturity, intelligence, refinement, and emotional richness of human beings. Music is integral to the parish's worship because music aspires to express what is otherwise inexpressible. At high Mass each Sunday morning at 10:00, and in special events over the course of the year, we offer to God the best we can.

Music at Ascension and Saint Agnes is also part of our outreach to the Washington area community and is a vehicle for carrying the Gospel into human hearts.

THE CHOIR sings the Mass ordinary and anthems at the Offertory and Communion. Propers are chanted in Gregorian settings. The congregation and choir sing hymns from the Hymnal 1940, Hymnal 1979, the New English Hymnal, and other appropriate sources.

ORGANIST HAIG MARDIROSIAN is a composer, conductor, and concert performer whose international reputation is well established. A Rochester, New York reviewer said he displayed "Outstanding musicianship Haig Mardirosianand virtuosity" and that he "admirably expressed color, motion and human perspective in musical terms." A reviewer in Aachen, Germany, praised his "exceptionally precise phrasing and articulation," adding that "Haig Mardirosian is a masterful interpreter of old world organ music, an artist with reliable and sure technique, as well as a distinctive appreciation of style and the ability for emotional penetration." Dr. Mardirosian is professor of music and Dean for Academic Affairs at American University, and he is an expert in liturgical and polyphonic music.

Gary B. SeighmanCHOIRMASTER GARY SEIGHMAN leads a choir of both paid professional musicians and qualified volunteers, with a cantor, all of whom must meet high standards of musicianship. He holds music degrees from Westminster Choir College, University of Oklahoma, and is currently a doctoral candidate in choral conducting at the University of Maryland where he has directed several of the ensembles and taught courses in conducting. Mr. Seighman has presented research at music conventions throughout the country and has published a number of articles. He serves on the board of the MD/DC Choral Directors Association and choirs under his direction have been invited to perform at venues including the United Nations and three times at Carnegie Hall.

HYMNS AND ORGAN LITERATURE reflect high standards of liturgical art. A sizable scriptorium of published and manuscript religious music supports the efforts of the parish musicians, the quality of whose offerings is known and highly regarded throughout the Washington metropolitan area. The choir's repertory includes plainchant as well as the works of composers from all parts and ages of the Western Church: Lassus, Palestrina, Josquin, Tallis, Byrd, Victoria, Cardoso, Stanford, Poulenc, Kodaly, Walton, Mardirosian, Steel, Pärt, and Stravinski. The Church of the Ascension and Saint Agnes is one of the few places in the Washington Metropolitan Area where this music can regularly be heard as an integral part of the traditional western liturgy for which it was composed.

Choir rehearsal

Opportunities for musicians

Membership in the Choir of the Church of the Ascension and St. Agnes is open to all qualified singers by audition. Interested prospective singers are invited to contact the choirmaster at ( 202) 379-6714 or by e-mail.

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Argillius Telluricus Eugenius me fecit