Documents of the Church

Anglican Library
"The aim of the Anglican Library is to publish new HTML editions of Christian literature from the Anglican tradition and other works that have traditionally been of interest to Anglicans. In addition, we hope to serve as a guide to Anglican literature located elsewhere on the internet."

Bishop Payne Library / Links to Electronic Resources
"The mission of Bishop Payne Library is to support the research needs of Virginia Theological Seminary faculty and students and to provide a foundation for the Seminary's curriculum. It is a major resource for the study of the Anglican communion and tradition, both for the Seminary community and beyond."

Book of Common Prayer [in various versions]

Boston University Theology Library

Catholic Encyclopedia On-Line

Church Fathers
"Most of these works are presented in a rough format. We are currently editing the files so that they conform with the format of the rest of the New Advent website."

Christian Classics Etherial Library
"Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves!"

Eastern Orthodox Booklets
Materials on Orthodox faith and life, with links to texts in English

ECOLE Initiative
"The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia (ECOLE) Initiative is a cooperative effort on the part of scholars across the internet to establish a hypertext encyclopedia of early Church history (to the Reformation) on the World-Wide Web."

Oxford University: Internet Resources for the Study and Teaching of Theology
"Part of the University of Oxford's Humanities Computing Unit and one of twenty-four centres promoting and supporting computers in university teaching. This site carries a wide range of information and resources to help you make the most of communication and information technologies for teaching and learning in the humanities and arts."

Pusey House, Oxford and Pusey House Links

The Church is One
Famous essay by Alexei Khomiakov (1804--1860)
Content: Unity of the Church. The Visible and Invisible Church. The Church on Earth One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. Scripture and Tradition. Confession, Prayer and Deeds. The Creed. The Church and Its Mysteries. Faith and Life in Church Unity. Salvation. Unity of Orthodoxy.

Thesaurus Precum Latinarum
The Thesarus Precum Latinarum is a collection of Latin prayers and Latin hymns with English translations and brief commentaries. The commentaries outline the origins, history and use of many of the items with the prayers themselves being drawn from the entire 2,000 year history of the Church.

Univ. of Virginia Electronic Texts in English

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Argillius Telluricus Eugenius me fecit