Coffee Hour Forum

ON SUNDAY MORNINGS during the latter part of coffee hour, from about 12:00 noon until 12:30, we have a forum in the undercroft for learning about the Christian faith and discussing essential aspects of the life of our parish family.

The Coffee Hour Forum is currently on summer break. The forum will resume in the fall of 2008. Watch this page for the new schedule.

LET US, IN HEAVEN'S NAME, drag out the Divine Drama from under the dreadful accumulation of slipshod thinking and trashy sentiment heaped upon it, and set it on an open stage to startle the world into some sort of vigorous reaction.

If the pious are the first to be shocked, so much the worse for the pious — others will enter the Kingdom of Heaven before them. If all men are offended because of Christ, let them be offended; but where is the sense of their being offended at something that is not Christ and is nothing like Him? We do Him singularly little honor by watering down till it could not offend a fly.

Surely it is not the business of the Church to adapt Christ to men, but to adapt men to Christ."

— Dorothy Sayers
         Creed or Chaos?, 24-25

WHAT THE CHURCH of Jesus Christ believes, teaches, and confesses on the basis of the word of God: This is Christian doctrine. Doctrine is not the only, not even the primary, activity of the church. The church worships God and serves mankind, it works for the transformation of this world and waits the consummation of its hope in the next. "Faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love" — love, and not faith, and certainly not doctrine. [But] the Christian church would not be the church as we know it without Christian doctrine.

— Jaroslav Pelikan
         The Emergence of Catholic Tradition (100-600), p. 1.

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