Catechumenate Syllabus


1 1-Oct-08 Welcome and Overview of the Course

Knowing God through Prayer
2 8-Oct-08 Prayer & Meditation
3 15-Oct Book of Common Prayer and the Daily Office
4 22-Oct Rule of Life & The Church Year

Knowing God through Scripture
5 29-Oct Holy Scripture
1-Nov Feast of All Saints' - High Mass at S. Paul's, 11:00 a.m.
3-Nov Commemoration of All Souls' - High Mass, 7:00 p.m.
6 5-Nov Story of Humanity

Knowing God through Worship
and the Mass
7 12-Nov The Mass: The Ceremonies
8 19-Nov Sacramental Theology and Theology of the Mass
26-Nov Thanksgiving Break
30-Nov Rite of Admission 
9 3-Dec Church Tour and Worship Etiquette
10 10-Dec  The Mass: Theology -- Babette's Feast
11 17-Dec Advent Dinner
24-Dec Christmas Eve High Mass
31-Dec New Year's Eve

Knowing God through the Other Sacraments
12 7-Jan Baptism, Confirmation, Confession
13 14-Jan Marriage and Holy Orders

Knowing God through Doctrine
14 21-Jan-09 Who is God?
15 28-Jan Who is Mary?
16 4-Feb The Last Things/Eschatology

Knowing God through the Church
17 11-Feb What is Catholicism?  What is an Episcopalian?
18 18-Feb Anglo-Catholicism and Mission
25-Feb Ash Wednesday, High Masses 12:10 noon & 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Evenings in Lent Program
9-11 April Triduum: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil
15-Apr Easter Break

Knowing God through Community
and Service
19 22-Apr Community and Discernment of Ministry
20 29-Apr Evangelization

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Argillius Telluricus Eugenius me fecit